Sticky Header Columns

A sticky header container with two columns that reducing size when scrolling. This effect can reduce the size of an image and expand the column containing the menu contentCSS only

Mac Website Browser

Scroll and Browse a website image inside a Mac Computer container. A great way to quickly and easily preview a site. Customise the Scroller colour.

Website Portfolio Scroller

Portfolio panel scroller with colour option on scroll bars. Adjustable Colum height and gradient animated Top Banner with image overlay

Card Slide-Down Animation On Hover

Card Animation On Hover with widget content and images. Slideshow banner and animated text header, also included in this layout effect. Style to your own requirements.

Sticky Image Sections

Sticky content images that stick to the top of each section as you scroll the page also fixed scrolling effect added to header background image.

Blur Zoom Hover Effect

A Blur Zoom Hover Effect for block panels and images. This effect can be added to any column layout or panel where hover content zooms in with BG Colour change, while non selected content zooms out and blurs into the background

Curved Box Shadow

Curved shadow effect using CSS for panels and images. Add this cool shadow effect to your images rather than the traditional flat square option.

Glass Hover Panel

Image hover effect for social media buttons. Pop-up Frosted Glass Effect with options for pop-up speed, background colour and blur intensity.