Blur Zoom Hover Effect

A Blur Zoom Hover Effect for block panels and images. This effect can be added to any column layout or panel where hover content zooms in with BG Colour change, while non selected content zooms out and blurs into the background

Curved Box Shadow

Curved shadow effect using CSS for panels and images. Add this cool shadow effect to your images rather than the traditional flat square option.

Flipcard Background Changer

This example uses an Image thumbnail button to select panel content within a column and change page background colour on each selection

Rollover Zoom Image Effect

Overlapping Images that zoom and rotate on roll-over. Adjust the angle of the photos and Z Index of each image to customise.

Animated Shape Divider

Apply animation to Elementor shape dividers. This effect can be applied to separate or All dividers on a page or section layout.

Icon Selection Grid

Click on selected Icon to show content panels for each section. Animation can also be added to each section on loading.

Button Glow Rollover

Button hover glow effect. Fully customizable size, boarder, shape, colours, boarder radius and animation speed.

Water Text Effect

Add a Water effect to any Text Headline or Body Copy. Sample includes outline effect and text shadow if required.